Broken Offering
Jul 13, 2019 // By:Dave // 1 comment
(a new poem which will likely become a song in the near future)
(verse 1)
My voice is scratched and damaged from the years of singing strong,
Yet You speak through my voice more clearly than You ever have before
It hurts to play guitar now that my joints are old and tired
But now, along with my guitar, I hear angels in a choir
Is it that You have been waiting?
Can it be You’ve been asleep?
Or is it more likely, that in this time we
are closer in reality?
I want to praise, I want to sing,
Call out Your Name ‘Till the stars join in song.
To give You my best, a life that’s been lived
Proclaiming Your truth to the world, loud and strong.
But how can I possibly, how could I think,
That my meager gesture is worth anything?
Cause it’s a broken gift I bring,
I’m just a broken offering.
(verse 2)
I hear His voice more clearly than ever in my youth
and His face is right before me and my Lord, my friend, speaks truth:
“You’ve focused on the value of the strength you had in youth
but while your body’s gotten weaker, it’s your heart that’s been renewed
so you can hear Me say:
(Chorus 2)
I want you to praise. I want you to sing.
Call out my Name ‘Till the stars join in song.
To give me your best, a life that’s been lived;
Proclaiming My truth to the world loud and strong.
You’re the bottle of perfume broken and spilled,
poured at the feet of the one King of Kings…
Your love back to me makes it worth everything…
For My Father so loved the world,…
that He broke His offering.
I’m your broken offering. “
εν διακονια τω θεω, Dave Cadieux
WOW… That is awsome💝 you are very gifted in many ways.God is good🤗