A Letter to the Church

Categories: Brother to Brother.

Jul 20, 2016 // By:Dave // No Comment

Greetings to you all, the Church, fellow believers and followers of the way. May the grace and peace of our Lord be with you and may this greeting find you all busy in the service of Him who served us first even as He died for us upon the cross.

Let us never forget the purpose of His death and let us never cease to live in the new life He purchased for us with His own blood to pay for our sins once and for all.

Our past has been forgotten, our sins have been dearly paid for, our present is entrusted to the only eternal kingdom promising to fulfill all work begun, and our future is secure and sealed with God’s own Spirit, the comforter promised to us by our Lord Jesus the Christ, before He ascended to the Father. 

Let us remember that death has no power over us, it’s sting is no more, the nature within us to sin lives on but is subject to our new nature, that which is born again in the Spirit and is privileged and fully capable to fellowship with all three blessed and Holy members of the Triune God who made us and keeps us in His love

I would remind you of the calling you received from Him when you first heard his voice and accepted His free gift of salvation. Do not lose or forsake your first love, my brothers and sisters! How easily you fall back to old habits and create what look to be no more than clubs with crosses at the tops of the roofs ?!

No, you and I were called to be one body, one Church, one bride, spotlessly waiting for the return of her groom … Busily about one work… Telling others about her lover to be.

We are not called to be “churchians” (resembling churches)

We are called to be “Christians” (resembling Christ himself)

Let us not divide over who is Baptist, or Charismatic, or A of G, or Episcopal, or any of the countless ways you find to divide amongst yourselves and in so doing, divide the power of the blessing of unity and weaken the Church till it is reduced to single bricks scattered across a field rather than a single wall serving a united cause.

Love the Lord and love your neighbor. Let us focus on the simplicity and pure power of His love.

I pray for this burden to be lightened and to see us working as one.

Will anyone else join me in this prayer and step forward to take action?


εν διακονια τω θεω, Dave Cadieux


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