God at Work
Aug 9, 2015 // By:Dave // No Comment
Have you ever been stuck in construction.
A line of cars, brake lights lit up as far as the eye can see crawling along at 5 miles per hour along an equally long line of orange cones preventing you from legally driving in a perfectly empty lane in which you could quickly accelerate to 65 mph and be home in minutes instead of hours ??!!
Yep we all have, and despite how quickly the stop and go traffic may chew away at our patience like the child in a back seat asking “are we there yet ?”, we control ourselves and tap out drum solos on the steering wheel while we remind ourselves that there is something up ahead being fixed or cleared away to make our travels safer once done.
So why do we get so impatient when God sets up a few cones and nudges us over to the slow lane for a while ? He could be:
- teaching us that extra measure of patience we have been praying for but never wanted to wait upon. Psa. 37:9, 34, Isaiah 40
- keeping us safe and stalling us to not drive into an danger until he has cleared it away for us in our near future Psa. 4:8, Hos. 2:18, Ezra 8:21
- preparing a blessing ahead that is not ready yet Hebrews 11:1, Rom 8:28, (read the story of Joseph, already sold into slavery by his own brothers as we pick up the story in Genesis 39)
keeping us safe from harm up ahead can include but not be limited to:
- physical= bodily harm to us or are family.
- emotional=a relationship that would leave us badly hurt or crippled in self-confidence.
- spiritual=something that might pull us away from our relationship with God or make bad choices affecting or future that God needs to protect on our behalf), setting up blessings ahead in our path but arranging for our arrival to be timed to the second of perfection.
God, our Father, had the power and loving right to stick His hand in anytime needed and say “thus far, but no further!” While it is often said that answers from God come in yes’s and no’s, it should also include that wonderful patience builder … “not yet, my grace is sufficient for you”. It’s in 2 Cor 12:9 if you want to read it straight from God’s heart.
So when God puts up the cones, and says “all traffic to the right hand lane”, resist the urge to jump over into the left lane and floor the gas pedal just to feel like you are making progress at the speed you like. You may find yourself crashing into the very thing God was trying to fix before you got there and maybe even banging heads with God Himself since He is not fond of pride in His children. James 4:6, 1 Pet 5:5
Wait upon His timing and He will reward you according to your trust and humility in showing that you know His timing is better than your timing. (Isaiah 40:31)
Don’t jump the cones, see the big sign ?? “God at work”
in His service, Dave Cadieux