Be Still in the Presence of the Lord, Why?

Categories: Brother to Brother.

May 10, 2017 // By:Dave // 1 comment

“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37:7a (NLT)
(the KJV says “… rest in the Lord”)

Why should we wait ?  Does our omnipotent God need more time to get things done? ( I think not)

The waiting is for our benefit (Isaiah 40:31), not His (clearly since He is in need of nothing Acts 17:25)

the key here is “in the presence” because we too often try to be still without having first entered into His presence and remain there while we wait. I don’t think it is possible to faithfully be patient for the Lord without being in His presence. We forget why we are doing it … in His presence, we are rewarded for the faithfullness and trust. Without His presence, we are spinning our wheels, operating in our own power and only doing so to get something from God.

Waiting on the Lord (enduring the situation while remaining in His presence) produces something far greater that a desired solution to the present problem, it creates Christ-likeness in us Rom 5:4-6, James 1:3

Be in the presence of the Lord, it purifies our motives, clarifies our walk and goals, and helps us set our heart on His kingdom, rather than our own!

εν διακονια τω θεω, Dave Cadieux

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Comment (1) | Leave a comment

  1. This is one of my favorite verses and I love your perspective on it! Praise God!


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