Aug 2, 2015 // By:Sue Cadieux // 1 comment

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!                2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

What a great joy knowing that as a believer in Jesus, I am a brand new creation in Christ! My spirit inside me has been recreated to be something unique; to now act, think and speak differently according to God’s will.  The old nature I had which consisted of bad habits, sins, pride (and so much more) has gone away.

An even bigger sense of joy is knowing that I am a new creation not just today but each and every day, even when I mess up, make mistakes or am full of frustrations over a trial I may be enduring.

Because I have the Spirit of God living within me, I can trust in God to help me in my weakness, shine the light for me in my darkest moments, and give me strength when I am feeling weak. God empowers me to be an OVERCOMER!! Yes, I can confidently shout that… Because of God, I AM AN OVERCOMER!!!

I will admit, that are times that I feel that I get stuck in a rut of everyday life; healthy eating or making poor food choices; being cool calm and collected or loosing my patience; being at peace or feeling angry. When I feel this way, I sometimes forget the power of the Holy Spirit living within in causing me to wonder if and when anything will change.

Matthew 7:7-8 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. “(NLT)

Notice the emphasis on the words “Keep on.”  This isn’t a one time deal with God. We need to be persistent and consistent!! So, if I keep seeking, asking and knocking on God’s door, He WILL answer my prayers! He WILL help me find the peace I need. He WILL open the right door for me! Therefore I don’t have to get stuck in a rut, I don’t have to be discouraged and I don’t have to worry that things can’t change.

And that my dear friends, brings me comfort that I belong to Christ, I am a new person because of Christ, and each day a little of my old life disappears and I am ready and equipped to walk in this new life that God has created in me!


About Sue Cadieux

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  1. Preach it, Sis !!

    dave cadieux

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