When One Door Closes, God Opens Another

Feb 5, 2014 // By:Sue Cadieux // 1 comment

When we are going through a trial in our lives such as a door closing on some part in our life, we don’t typically understand the whys of what is happening. We tend to question God, and may even get angry with Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Rather than worrying and asking: “Why is this happening to me?” we should trust God and understand that He has a reason for all He does.
It took a life changing event for me to realize that I needed to rely on God for strength and wisdom and trust him like never before!

I am an Occupational Therapist, and had been working with children in the school system for 20 years. I loved my job, loved the children that I worked with, and was happy with making a difference in these children’s lives. During the summer of 2013, the door of my employment there was closed and I lost my job. During those first few weeks, I went through many emotions, sadness, anger, frustration and confusion. “It’s not fair!” “Why is this happening?” “Why would God close this door on me, when I loved what I was doing?”

As the fog of emotions began to clear, so did the thoughts in my head. God had a plan for me, and I needed to open my mind and my heart to what that plan was. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.

I realized that I had become quite comfortable being in the same position for so long, that there were many days I just went through the motions. I don’t mean that I didn’t do my job well, but I had no reason to rely on God. I was comfortable in what I was doing and I very rarely needed to rely on Him for strength or wisdom.

Romans 11:36 says: “For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.” God’s glory must be our ultimate purpose!

Was I giving God the glory for my position in the school? Was his glory the ultimate purpose of going to work every day and helping these kids? Was I giving Him credit where credit was due? Sadly, I would have to say no.

As I began my job search, I was adamant that I wanted to be in a school based position. That’s what I did for 20 years, and that’s what I wanted to continue doing! Do you see what was wrong in my thinking? Me, myself and I!

Within 3 weeks I had 3 job opportunities on the table. Were they school based? No, but they all had a common theme, they were all Early Intervention positions. So here goes my self-talk. ” Little kids? 0-3 years old! I’m getting too old for that kind of a job! Sure I have done it before, but that was years ago! I don’t remember child development, I can’t do this!” Once again, do you see what was wrong with my thinking? Me, myself and I!

I forgot all about trusting God and what Philippians 4:13 tells us: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

Now that I am in a new position in Early Intervention, I realize how important it is to rely on God to make it through every day, whether it is an easy one or a difficult one.
I also now understand how important it is to give God the glory and to thank Him for being with me throughout my day. I like to think that I am making a difference in the lives of families with children with special needs. With God as my co-worker, He helps me and guides me in the ways possible to do just that.

I didn’t understand why the door was closed on my job of 20 years when it happened, but it’s clear to me now why that door needed to be closed. A new door needed to be opened. I thank God for that eye opening experience so I could draw closer to Him, rely on Him, trust Him and come out singing his praises through it all!


About Sue Cadieux

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  1. Awesome story and great Word to us all; Sue! God’s Plan is the best because it is in His will; Amen.
    blessings pastor Ben

    pastor Ben Borrego

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